A Ministry with the mandate to change lives and beautify destinies. Updates on Church activities, Words of Wisdom, Prayer points and articles for daily purposeful living.
Sunday, 27 September 2015
Saturday, 26 September 2015
Notice the word — COMMUNITY
For too many people church is nothing more than attending meetings,But in the New Testament, church meant being part of a community that’s what I’m urging you to be part of — a church community.
What that means:
It means being part of a group of people who :
Drink of the Spirit together (1Cor 12:13)
Deeply love each other (Rom 12:10)
Weep with each other’s weeping (Rom 12:15)
Bear each other’s burdens (Gal 6:5)
Speak the truth of God’s Word to each other (Eph 4:15)
Pray with each other (Acts 2:42)
Advance the Gospel together (Phil 1:27)
There’s more – but you get the idea. In the New Testament , church is not just meetings you attend ,it’s a community of believers you know and love. So ,What’s one reason you MUST be part of a church community?
It’s because as a believer you are part of the body of Christ (1Cor 12:13).
This is not just theory. This means you are to be part of a local community of believers. You are like a hand which is supposed to be joined to a physical body.
Why MUST a hand be joined to a body? One reason is — to survive.
To survive? Yes. That’s implied in Hebrews 3:12-14 — where we are urged to exhort each other daily lest anyone’s heart fall from God.
In the book of Hebrews falling from God implies being lost forever. So the reason we need to be part of a community which gives and receives daily exhortation is so we won’t be lost forever.
But what about eternal security?
I believe in eternal security, but like John Piper says "eternal security is a group project". Your brothers and sisters need your encouragement to keep persevering in the faith and you need their encouragement to keep persevering in the faith.
'A severed hand'. Think of Paul’s analogy of church as a body — and of yourself as a hand. If you are not part of a community of believers — it’s like you are a hand that’s been severed from a body. If a severed hand doesn’t reattach to the body and receive blood, oxygen, and nutrients from the body — it will die.
If you don’t attach to a body of believers — and receive the spiritual blood, oxygen, and nutrients from the body — you will die. That’s why you must be part of a church community — to survive.
But maybe at this point some excuses come to mind :
(i) It takes energy to find a church, Yes. It does. But unless you are living in a closed country which has not yet been reached by the Gospel — God has a nearby church He has chosen for you — and He will guide you to it.(And if you are living in a closed country — He will sustain you by His grace until He raises one up.)
It might take some energy. But until you find it — you are a severed hand.So pray earnestly. And start looking.
(ii) I’ve been hurt by church in the past. That happens. It’s tragic. And I can’t guarantee you won’t be hurt again.But you are a hand which needs to be joined to a body. Better to risk possible hurt than risk spiritual death.
So — ask God to heal your heart from the past hurt and then ask God to lead you to what church He has for you. He will.
(iii) But I don’t like the worship or the preaching or the age of the people. Remember — apart from a local community of believers — you are a severed hand. So if the worship is Christ-centered it makes no difference if it’s off-key — you need the blood. If the preaching is Bible-based it makes no difference if it’s monotone — you need the oxygen. If the people trust Jesus it makes no difference their age — you need the nutrients. Any Christ-centered worship — any Bible-based preaching — any group of believers — is better than none.
God has a church for you, He will give you all the grace, wisdom, and strength you need to find it.So pray — and lift this up to Him. Ask Him for wisdom.He will guide you ,help you, provide for you.
Picture a severed hand ,blue from lack of blood, oxygen, nutrients ,coming back to life as it’s reattached. Get reattached!
For too many people church is nothing more than attending meetings,But in the New Testament, church meant being part of a community that’s what I’m urging you to be part of — a church community.
What that means:
It means being part of a group of people who :
Drink of the Spirit together (1Cor 12:13)
Deeply love each other (Rom 12:10)
Weep with each other’s weeping (Rom 12:15)
Bear each other’s burdens (Gal 6:5)
Speak the truth of God’s Word to each other (Eph 4:15)
Pray with each other (Acts 2:42)
Advance the Gospel together (Phil 1:27)
There’s more – but you get the idea. In the New Testament , church is not just meetings you attend ,it’s a community of believers you know and love. So ,What’s one reason you MUST be part of a church community?
It’s because as a believer you are part of the body of Christ (1Cor 12:13).
This is not just theory. This means you are to be part of a local community of believers. You are like a hand which is supposed to be joined to a physical body.
Why MUST a hand be joined to a body? One reason is — to survive.
To survive? Yes. That’s implied in Hebrews 3:12-14 — where we are urged to exhort each other daily lest anyone’s heart fall from God.
In the book of Hebrews falling from God implies being lost forever. So the reason we need to be part of a community which gives and receives daily exhortation is so we won’t be lost forever.
But what about eternal security?
I believe in eternal security, but like John Piper says "eternal security is a group project". Your brothers and sisters need your encouragement to keep persevering in the faith and you need their encouragement to keep persevering in the faith.
'A severed hand'. Think of Paul’s analogy of church as a body — and of yourself as a hand. If you are not part of a community of believers — it’s like you are a hand that’s been severed from a body. If a severed hand doesn’t reattach to the body and receive blood, oxygen, and nutrients from the body — it will die.
If you don’t attach to a body of believers — and receive the spiritual blood, oxygen, and nutrients from the body — you will die. That’s why you must be part of a church community — to survive.
But maybe at this point some excuses come to mind :
(i) It takes energy to find a church, Yes. It does. But unless you are living in a closed country which has not yet been reached by the Gospel — God has a nearby church He has chosen for you — and He will guide you to it.(And if you are living in a closed country — He will sustain you by His grace until He raises one up.)
It might take some energy. But until you find it — you are a severed hand.So pray earnestly. And start looking.
(ii) I’ve been hurt by church in the past. That happens. It’s tragic. And I can’t guarantee you won’t be hurt again.But you are a hand which needs to be joined to a body. Better to risk possible hurt than risk spiritual death.
So — ask God to heal your heart from the past hurt and then ask God to lead you to what church He has for you. He will.
(iii) But I don’t like the worship or the preaching or the age of the people. Remember — apart from a local community of believers — you are a severed hand. So if the worship is Christ-centered it makes no difference if it’s off-key — you need the blood. If the preaching is Bible-based it makes no difference if it’s monotone — you need the oxygen. If the people trust Jesus it makes no difference their age — you need the nutrients. Any Christ-centered worship — any Bible-based preaching — any group of believers — is better than none.
God has a church for you, He will give you all the grace, wisdom, and strength you need to find it.So pray — and lift this up to Him. Ask Him for wisdom.He will guide you ,help you, provide for you.
Picture a severed hand ,blue from lack of blood, oxygen, nutrients ,coming back to life as it’s reattached. Get reattached!
What Does the Bible Say About Sex Before Marriage?
What Does the Bible Say About Sex Before Marriage?
I’ve heard too many people talk as if the Bible is not clear on this question. So let’s ask where does the Bible clearly teach that premarital sex is wrong? It’s true that the Bible does not use the phrase “premarital sex.” But what what the Bible does talk about is sexual immorality . Flee from sexual immorality. I Cor 6:9
We must not indulge in sexual immorality as some of [Israel] did, and twenty-three thousand fell in a single day. 1 Cor 10:8. But sexual immorality … must not even be named among you, as is proper among saints. Eph 5:3
So when the Bible says sexual immorality is wrong, what exactly is it talking about? What Is Sexual Immorality?
“Sexual immorality” is the English translation of the Greek word porneia. So what did porneia mean during New Testament times?
I looked this word up in Greek dictionaries, and they all said porneia meant “fornication.” And dictionary.com says fornication means “voluntary sexual intercourse between two unmarried persons or two persons not married to each other.” So porneia = sexual immorality = includes sex before marriage. Friberg’s Analytical Lexicon of the Greek New Testament agrees, saying that porneia meant “every kind of extramarital, unlawful, or unnatural sexual intercourse [including] fornication, sexual immorality, prostitution.” Extramarital means outside of marriage, which includes sex before marriage.
porneia =sexual immorality= sex before or outside of marriage.
So here’s how Paul’s readers would have heard 1Corinthians 6:9 . Flee from any sex before or outside of marriage, And 1 Corinthians 10:8 .
We must not indulge in sex before or outside of marriage as some of them did, and twenty-three thousand fell in a single day.
But sex before or outside of marriage … must not even be named among you, as is proper among saints. Eph 5:3.
So God’s Word is clear. The God who created us, and who created the joys of sex, commands that we not have sex before marriage.
But Why?
We don’t have to know the reasons. When we see Jesus’ love for us displayed on the Cross, we can be certain that Jesus loves us perfectly, passionately, completely. So, when we hear Him say don’t have sex before marriage we can trust that this command is part of His love for us.
But still, it can help to know why. So does Jesus ever explain why? I think He does ,in Matthew 19:6 where Jesus is talking about marriage : So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.
“One flesh” includes sexual intercourse. Sexual intercourse is a wonderful gift from God. Its intimacy and pleasure and vulnerability deeply bond a man and woman. This bonding brings great joy when nurtured and protected by love and commitment — but it brings great pain if it is broken. So to bless and protect us, God commands that this profound closeness occur only between people who are committed to each other in marriage.
Someone once used the illustration of flypaper. Once two pieces of flypaper stick to each other, it’s impossible to separate the pieces without ripping them up. In the same way, once two people are joined through sexual intercourse, it’s impossible to separate the relationship without ripping them up.
The main reason is that the Jesus who died for us on the Cross looks at us with burning love in His eyes and says —Trust me — do not have sex before marriage.
I’ve heard too many people talk as if the Bible is not clear on this question. So let’s ask where does the Bible clearly teach that premarital sex is wrong? It’s true that the Bible does not use the phrase “premarital sex.” But what what the Bible does talk about is sexual immorality . Flee from sexual immorality. I Cor 6:9
We must not indulge in sexual immorality as some of [Israel] did, and twenty-three thousand fell in a single day. 1 Cor 10:8. But sexual immorality … must not even be named among you, as is proper among saints. Eph 5:3
So when the Bible says sexual immorality is wrong, what exactly is it talking about? What Is Sexual Immorality?
“Sexual immorality” is the English translation of the Greek word porneia. So what did porneia mean during New Testament times?
I looked this word up in Greek dictionaries, and they all said porneia meant “fornication.” And dictionary.com says fornication means “voluntary sexual intercourse between two unmarried persons or two persons not married to each other.” So porneia = sexual immorality = includes sex before marriage. Friberg’s Analytical Lexicon of the Greek New Testament agrees, saying that porneia meant “every kind of extramarital, unlawful, or unnatural sexual intercourse [including] fornication, sexual immorality, prostitution.” Extramarital means outside of marriage, which includes sex before marriage.
porneia =sexual immorality= sex before or outside of marriage.
So here’s how Paul’s readers would have heard 1Corinthians 6:9 . Flee from any sex before or outside of marriage, And 1 Corinthians 10:8 .
We must not indulge in sex before or outside of marriage as some of them did, and twenty-three thousand fell in a single day.
But sex before or outside of marriage … must not even be named among you, as is proper among saints. Eph 5:3.
So God’s Word is clear. The God who created us, and who created the joys of sex, commands that we not have sex before marriage.
But Why?
We don’t have to know the reasons. When we see Jesus’ love for us displayed on the Cross, we can be certain that Jesus loves us perfectly, passionately, completely. So, when we hear Him say don’t have sex before marriage we can trust that this command is part of His love for us.
But still, it can help to know why. So does Jesus ever explain why? I think He does ,in Matthew 19:6 where Jesus is talking about marriage : So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.
“One flesh” includes sexual intercourse. Sexual intercourse is a wonderful gift from God. Its intimacy and pleasure and vulnerability deeply bond a man and woman. This bonding brings great joy when nurtured and protected by love and commitment — but it brings great pain if it is broken. So to bless and protect us, God commands that this profound closeness occur only between people who are committed to each other in marriage.
Someone once used the illustration of flypaper. Once two pieces of flypaper stick to each other, it’s impossible to separate the pieces without ripping them up. In the same way, once two people are joined through sexual intercourse, it’s impossible to separate the relationship without ripping them up.
The main reason is that the Jesus who died for us on the Cross looks at us with burning love in His eyes and says —Trust me — do not have sex before marriage.
This morning I met with some men who are committed to strengthening each other’s faith in Christ.We talked about how important it is to guard our hearts, based on Proverbs 4:23 .
Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life. (NIV).Here is how the ESV translates it —Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life.
Here is what we saw from this verse —See the Importance of Your Heart
The heart is crucial because it is the wellspring of life, which means that everything you are and do flows from the heart. So if your heart is worried about money, or jealous towards someone, you should not ignore it.
You should not grit your teeth, pretend that everything is fine, and get on with your day – because your worry or jealousy will flow out of your heart in sinful words, attitudes, and actions. That’s why we must keep watch over our hearts with all vigilance. Be Aware of Your Heart Condition.
To keep watch over your heart you must be aware of what is happening in your heart. You must notice what you are feeling.
specifically, you must notice when you are not feeling peace or joy in the Lord, because either of those show a problem with your faith. They show that there is some promise in God’s word that you are not trusting. For example, yesterday morning I got an email which caused my heart to fill with fear and worry. At times like that it’s tempting to say “Don’t be concerned. Everyone worries from time to time. After all, fear is a natural emotion.”
But God’s word says that fear or worry shows that sinful unbelief is growing in my heart (Matthew 8:26; Mark 4:40). And sinful unbelief is serious.
Imagine that you go to the doctor because of pain in your heart. The doctor takes x-rays, notices a shadow next to your heart, but misinterprets that shadow.
Instead of understanding that this shadow is a dangerous tumor, and removing it surgically, he concludes that this shadow is just a normal part of the heart, and sends you home. That could cost you your life.
So we must learn to notice what we are feeling in our hearts, and we must understand those feelings biblically. But that’s not all. It is also crucial to Take Steps to Change Your Heart, That’s what the psalmist does in Psalm 42:5
Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me? Hope in God; for I shall again praise him.
The psalmist is keeping watch over his heart with all vigilance, so he notices that his heart is feeling cast down and in turmoil. But not only does he notice what he is feeling, he understands these feelings biblically.
The reason I say that is because he calls himself to “hope in God.” In other words, he understands that his discouragement and turmoil show that he is not hoping fully in all of God’s promises. So he notices what he is feeling, he understands these feelings biblically, and he urges himself to put his hope in God’s promises.
But How? We can’t move from discouragement to hope just by urging ourselves to do so. And the psalmist knows this,That’s why, in Psalms 42 and 43 (they are connected) — he pours out his soul before God, admitting how he is really feeling (Psalm 42:4)
he prays for God’s light and truth to change his heart (Psalm 43:3-4)
he reminds himself of God’s past faithfulness (Psalm 42:4, 6-7)
he assures himself that in spite of his unbelief, God will be merciful (Psalm 42:8, which God can do because Jesus was punished for our sins)
he meditates on God’s promises (Psalm 42:5, 8, 11; Psalm 43:4,5)
So that’s what I did yesterday morning —
I poured out my soul before God, admitting how fearful and worried I was
I asked God for more of his heart-changing power
I reminded myself of ways God has been faithful in the past
I assured myself that because of Jesus’ death, God fully forgives and welcomes me (1 John 1:7)
I meditated on promises that touched on my fear and worry (like Romans 8:28; Psalm 50:15; Jeremiah 29:11)
As I set my heart on who God promised to be, I could feel the Spirit change my heart.
My fear and worry subsided. Peace and joy in Christ grew. My unbelief was overcome.
That’s why it is so important to guard your heart.
Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life. (NIV).Here is how the ESV translates it —Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life.
Here is what we saw from this verse —See the Importance of Your Heart
The heart is crucial because it is the wellspring of life, which means that everything you are and do flows from the heart. So if your heart is worried about money, or jealous towards someone, you should not ignore it.
You should not grit your teeth, pretend that everything is fine, and get on with your day – because your worry or jealousy will flow out of your heart in sinful words, attitudes, and actions. That’s why we must keep watch over our hearts with all vigilance. Be Aware of Your Heart Condition.
To keep watch over your heart you must be aware of what is happening in your heart. You must notice what you are feeling.
specifically, you must notice when you are not feeling peace or joy in the Lord, because either of those show a problem with your faith. They show that there is some promise in God’s word that you are not trusting. For example, yesterday morning I got an email which caused my heart to fill with fear and worry. At times like that it’s tempting to say “Don’t be concerned. Everyone worries from time to time. After all, fear is a natural emotion.”
But God’s word says that fear or worry shows that sinful unbelief is growing in my heart (Matthew 8:26; Mark 4:40). And sinful unbelief is serious.
Imagine that you go to the doctor because of pain in your heart. The doctor takes x-rays, notices a shadow next to your heart, but misinterprets that shadow.
Instead of understanding that this shadow is a dangerous tumor, and removing it surgically, he concludes that this shadow is just a normal part of the heart, and sends you home. That could cost you your life.
So we must learn to notice what we are feeling in our hearts, and we must understand those feelings biblically. But that’s not all. It is also crucial to Take Steps to Change Your Heart, That’s what the psalmist does in Psalm 42:5
Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me? Hope in God; for I shall again praise him.
The psalmist is keeping watch over his heart with all vigilance, so he notices that his heart is feeling cast down and in turmoil. But not only does he notice what he is feeling, he understands these feelings biblically.
The reason I say that is because he calls himself to “hope in God.” In other words, he understands that his discouragement and turmoil show that he is not hoping fully in all of God’s promises. So he notices what he is feeling, he understands these feelings biblically, and he urges himself to put his hope in God’s promises.
But How? We can’t move from discouragement to hope just by urging ourselves to do so. And the psalmist knows this,That’s why, in Psalms 42 and 43 (they are connected) — he pours out his soul before God, admitting how he is really feeling (Psalm 42:4)
he prays for God’s light and truth to change his heart (Psalm 43:3-4)
he reminds himself of God’s past faithfulness (Psalm 42:4, 6-7)
he assures himself that in spite of his unbelief, God will be merciful (Psalm 42:8, which God can do because Jesus was punished for our sins)
he meditates on God’s promises (Psalm 42:5, 8, 11; Psalm 43:4,5)
So that’s what I did yesterday morning —
I poured out my soul before God, admitting how fearful and worried I was
I asked God for more of his heart-changing power
I reminded myself of ways God has been faithful in the past
I assured myself that because of Jesus’ death, God fully forgives and welcomes me (1 John 1:7)
I meditated on promises that touched on my fear and worry (like Romans 8:28; Psalm 50:15; Jeremiah 29:11)
As I set my heart on who God promised to be, I could feel the Spirit change my heart.
My fear and worry subsided. Peace and joy in Christ grew. My unbelief was overcome.
That’s why it is so important to guard your heart.
This morning I met with some men who are committed to strengthening each other’s faith in Christ.
We talked about how important it is to guard our hearts, based on Proverbs 4:23 –
Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life. (NIV)
Here is how the ESV translates it —
Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life.
Here is what we saw from this verse —
See the Importance of Your Heart
The heart is crucial because it is the wellspring of life, which means that everything you are and do flows from the heart.
So if your heart is worried about money, or jealous towards someone, you should not ignore it.
You should not grit your teeth, pretend that everything is fine, and get on with your day – because your worry or jealousy will flow out of your heart in sinful words, attitudes, and actions.
That’s why we must keep watch over our hearts with all vigilance.
Be Aware of Your Heart Condition
To keep watch over your heart you must be aware of what is happening in your heart. You must notice what you are feeling.
Specifically, you must notice when you are not feeling peace or joy in the Lord, because either of those show a problem with your faith.
They show that there is some promise in God’s word that you are not trusting.
For example, yesterday morning I got an email which caused my heart to fill with fear and worry.
At times like that it’s tempting to say “Don’t be concerned. Everyone worries from time to time. After all, fear is a natural emotion.”
But God’s word says that fear or worry shows that sinful unbelief is growing in my heart (Matthew 8:26; Mark 4:40). And sinful unbelief is serious.
Imagine that you go to the doctor because of pain in your heart. The doctor takes x-rays, notices a shadow next to your heart, but misinterprets that shadow.
Instead of understanding that this shadow is a dangerous tumor, and removing it surgically, he concludes that this shadow is just a normal part of the heart, and sends you home.
That could cost you your life.
So we must learn to notice what we are feeling in our hearts, and we must understand those feelings biblically.
But that’s not all. It is also crucial to –
Take Steps to Change Your Heart
That’s what the psalmist does in Psalm 42:5 –
But not only does he notice what he is feeling, he understands these feelings biblically.
The reason I say that is because he calls himself to “hope in God.” In other words, he understands that his discouragement and turmoil show that he is not hoping fully in all of God’s promises.
So he notices what he is feeling, he understands these feelings biblically, and he urges himself to put his hope in God’s promises.
But How?
We can’t move from discouragement to hope just by urging ourselves to do so. And the psalmist knows this.
That’s why, in Psalms 42 and 43 (they are connected) —
My fear and worry subsided. Peace and joy in Christ grew. My unbelief was overcome.
That’s why it is so important to guard your heart.
- See more at: http://livingbyfaithblog.com/2015/08/15/how-to-guard-your-heart/#sthash.eB3mcbWT.dpuf
We talked about how important it is to guard our hearts, based on Proverbs 4:23 –
Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life. (NIV)
Here is how the ESV translates it —
Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life.
Here is what we saw from this verse —
See the Importance of Your Heart
The heart is crucial because it is the wellspring of life, which means that everything you are and do flows from the heart.
So if your heart is worried about money, or jealous towards someone, you should not ignore it.
You should not grit your teeth, pretend that everything is fine, and get on with your day – because your worry or jealousy will flow out of your heart in sinful words, attitudes, and actions.
That’s why we must keep watch over our hearts with all vigilance.
Be Aware of Your Heart Condition
To keep watch over your heart you must be aware of what is happening in your heart. You must notice what you are feeling.
Specifically, you must notice when you are not feeling peace or joy in the Lord, because either of those show a problem with your faith.
They show that there is some promise in God’s word that you are not trusting.
For example, yesterday morning I got an email which caused my heart to fill with fear and worry.
At times like that it’s tempting to say “Don’t be concerned. Everyone worries from time to time. After all, fear is a natural emotion.”
But God’s word says that fear or worry shows that sinful unbelief is growing in my heart (Matthew 8:26; Mark 4:40). And sinful unbelief is serious.
Imagine that you go to the doctor because of pain in your heart. The doctor takes x-rays, notices a shadow next to your heart, but misinterprets that shadow.
Instead of understanding that this shadow is a dangerous tumor, and removing it surgically, he concludes that this shadow is just a normal part of the heart, and sends you home.
That could cost you your life.
So we must learn to notice what we are feeling in our hearts, and we must understand those feelings biblically.
But that’s not all. It is also crucial to –
Take Steps to Change Your Heart
That’s what the psalmist does in Psalm 42:5 –
Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me? Hope in God; for I shall again praise him.
The psalmist is keeping watch over his heart with all vigilance, so
he notices that his heart is feeling cast down and in turmoil.But not only does he notice what he is feeling, he understands these feelings biblically.
The reason I say that is because he calls himself to “hope in God.” In other words, he understands that his discouragement and turmoil show that he is not hoping fully in all of God’s promises.
So he notices what he is feeling, he understands these feelings biblically, and he urges himself to put his hope in God’s promises.
But How?
We can’t move from discouragement to hope just by urging ourselves to do so. And the psalmist knows this.
That’s why, in Psalms 42 and 43 (they are connected) —
- he pours out his soul before God, admitting how he is really feeling (Psalm 42:4)
- he prays for God’s light and truth to change his heart (Psalm 43:3-4)
- he reminds himself of God’s past faithfulness (Psalm 42:4, 6-7)
- he assures himself that in spite of his unbelief, God will be merciful (Psalm 42:8, which God can do because Jesus was punished for our sins)
- he meditates on God’s promises (Psalm 42:5, 8, 11; Psalm 43:4,5)
- I poured out my soul before God, admitting how fearful and worried I was
- I asked God for more of his heart-changing power
- I reminded myself of ways God has been faithful in the past
- I assured myself that because of Jesus’ death, God fully forgives and welcomes me (1 John 1:7)
- I meditated on promises that touched on my fear and worry (like Romans 8:28; Psalm 50:15; Jeremiah 29:11)
My fear and worry subsided. Peace and joy in Christ grew. My unbelief was overcome.
That’s why it is so important to guard your heart.
- See more at: http://livingbyfaithblog.com/2015/08/15/how-to-guard-your-heart/#sthash.eB3mcbWT.dpuf
This morning I met with some men who are committed to strengthening each other’s faith in Christ.
We talked about how important it is to guard our hearts, based on Proverbs 4:23 –
Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life. (NIV)
Here is how the ESV translates it —
Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life.
Here is what we saw from this verse —
See the Importance of Your Heart
The heart is crucial because it is the wellspring of life, which means that everything you are and do flows from the heart.
So if your heart is worried about money, or jealous towards someone, you should not ignore it.
You should not grit your teeth, pretend that everything is fine, and get on with your day – because your worry or jealousy will flow out of your heart in sinful words, attitudes, and actions.
That’s why we must keep watch over our hearts with all vigilance.
Be Aware of Your Heart Condition
To keep watch over your heart you must be aware of what is happening in your heart. You must notice what you are feeling.
Specifically, you must notice when you are not feeling peace or joy in the Lord, because either of those show a problem with your faith.
They show that there is some promise in God’s word that you are not trusting.
For example, yesterday morning I got an email which caused my heart to fill with fear and worry.
At times like that it’s tempting to say “Don’t be concerned. Everyone worries from time to time. After all, fear is a natural emotion.”
But God’s word says that fear or worry shows that sinful unbelief is growing in my heart (Matthew 8:26; Mark 4:40). And sinful unbelief is serious.
Imagine that you go to the doctor because of pain in your heart. The doctor takes x-rays, notices a shadow next to your heart, but misinterprets that shadow.
Instead of understanding that this shadow is a dangerous tumor, and removing it surgically, he concludes that this shadow is just a normal part of the heart, and sends you home.
That could cost you your life.
So we must learn to notice what we are feeling in our hearts, and we must understand those feelings biblically.
But that’s not all. It is also crucial to –
Take Steps to Change Your Heart
That’s what the psalmist does in Psalm 42:5 –
But not only does he notice what he is feeling, he understands these feelings biblically.
The reason I say that is because he calls himself to “hope in God.” In other words, he understands that his discouragement and turmoil show that he is not hoping fully in all of God’s promises.
So he notices what he is feeling, he understands these feelings biblically, and he urges himself to put his hope in God’s promises.
But How?
We can’t move from discouragement to hope just by urging ourselves to do so. And the psalmist knows this.
That’s why, in Psalms 42 and 43 (they are connected) —
My fear and worry subsided. Peace and joy in Christ grew. My unbelief was overcome.
That’s why it is so important to guard your heart.
- See more at: http://livingbyfaithblog.com/2015/08/15/how-to-guard-your-heart/#sthash.eB3mcbWT.dpuf
We talked about how important it is to guard our hearts, based on Proverbs 4:23 –
Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life. (NIV)
Here is how the ESV translates it —
Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life.
Here is what we saw from this verse —
See the Importance of Your Heart
The heart is crucial because it is the wellspring of life, which means that everything you are and do flows from the heart.
So if your heart is worried about money, or jealous towards someone, you should not ignore it.
You should not grit your teeth, pretend that everything is fine, and get on with your day – because your worry or jealousy will flow out of your heart in sinful words, attitudes, and actions.
That’s why we must keep watch over our hearts with all vigilance.
Be Aware of Your Heart Condition
To keep watch over your heart you must be aware of what is happening in your heart. You must notice what you are feeling.
Specifically, you must notice when you are not feeling peace or joy in the Lord, because either of those show a problem with your faith.
They show that there is some promise in God’s word that you are not trusting.
For example, yesterday morning I got an email which caused my heart to fill with fear and worry.
At times like that it’s tempting to say “Don’t be concerned. Everyone worries from time to time. After all, fear is a natural emotion.”
But God’s word says that fear or worry shows that sinful unbelief is growing in my heart (Matthew 8:26; Mark 4:40). And sinful unbelief is serious.
Imagine that you go to the doctor because of pain in your heart. The doctor takes x-rays, notices a shadow next to your heart, but misinterprets that shadow.
Instead of understanding that this shadow is a dangerous tumor, and removing it surgically, he concludes that this shadow is just a normal part of the heart, and sends you home.
That could cost you your life.
So we must learn to notice what we are feeling in our hearts, and we must understand those feelings biblically.
But that’s not all. It is also crucial to –
Take Steps to Change Your Heart
That’s what the psalmist does in Psalm 42:5 –
Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me? Hope in God; for I shall again praise him.
The psalmist is keeping watch over his heart with all vigilance, so
he notices that his heart is feeling cast down and in turmoil.But not only does he notice what he is feeling, he understands these feelings biblically.
The reason I say that is because he calls himself to “hope in God.” In other words, he understands that his discouragement and turmoil show that he is not hoping fully in all of God’s promises.
So he notices what he is feeling, he understands these feelings biblically, and he urges himself to put his hope in God’s promises.
But How?
We can’t move from discouragement to hope just by urging ourselves to do so. And the psalmist knows this.
That’s why, in Psalms 42 and 43 (they are connected) —
- he pours out his soul before God, admitting how he is really feeling (Psalm 42:4)
- he prays for God’s light and truth to change his heart (Psalm 43:3-4)
- he reminds himself of God’s past faithfulness (Psalm 42:4, 6-7)
- he assures himself that in spite of his unbelief, God will be merciful (Psalm 42:8, which God can do because Jesus was punished for our sins)
- he meditates on God’s promises (Psalm 42:5, 8, 11; Psalm 43:4,5)
- I poured out my soul before God, admitting how fearful and worried I was
- I asked God for more of his heart-changing power
- I reminded myself of ways God has been faithful in the past
- I assured myself that because of Jesus’ death, God fully forgives and welcomes me (1 John 1:7)
- I meditated on promises that touched on my fear and worry (like Romans 8:28; Psalm 50:15; Jeremiah 29:11)
My fear and worry subsided. Peace and joy in Christ grew. My unbelief was overcome.
That’s why it is so important to guard your heart.
- See more at: http://livingbyfaithblog.com/2015/08/15/how-to-guard-your-heart/#sthash.eB3mcbWT.dpuf
This morning I met with some men who are committed to strengthening each other’s faith in Christ.
We talked about how important it is to guard our hearts, based on Proverbs 4:23 –
Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life. (NIV)
Here is how the ESV translates it —
Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life.
Here is what we saw from this verse —
See the Importance of Your Heart
The heart is crucial because it is the wellspring of life, which means that everything you are and do flows from the heart.
So if your heart is worried about money, or jealous towards someone, you should not ignore it.
You should not grit your teeth, pretend that everything is fine, and get on with your day – because your worry or jealousy will flow out of your heart in sinful words, attitudes, and actions.
That’s why we must keep watch over our hearts with all vigilance.
Be Aware of Your Heart Condition
To keep watch over your heart you must be aware of what is happening in your heart. You must notice what you are feeling.
Specifically, you must notice when you are not feeling peace or joy in the Lord, because either of those show a problem with your faith.
They show that there is some promise in God’s word that you are not trusting.
For example, yesterday morning I got an email which caused my heart to fill with fear and worry.
At times like that it’s tempting to say “Don’t be concerned. Everyone worries from time to time. After all, fear is a natural emotion.”
But God’s word says that fear or worry shows that sinful unbelief is growing in my heart (Matthew 8:26; Mark 4:40). And sinful unbelief is serious.
Imagine that you go to the doctor because of pain in your heart. The doctor takes x-rays, notices a shadow next to your heart, but misinterprets that shadow.
Instead of understanding that this shadow is a dangerous tumor, and removing it surgically, he concludes that this shadow is just a normal part of the heart, and sends you home.
That could cost you your life.
So we must learn to notice what we are feeling in our hearts, and we must understand those feelings biblically.
But that’s not all. It is also crucial to –
Take Steps to Change Your Heart
That’s what the psalmist does in Psalm 42:5 –
But not only does he notice what he is feeling, he understands these feelings biblically.
The reason I say that is because he calls himself to “hope in God.” In other words, he understands that his discouragement and turmoil show that he is not hoping fully in all of God’s promises.
So he notices what he is feeling, he understands these feelings biblically, and he urges himself to put his hope in God’s promises.
But How?
We can’t move from discouragement to hope just by urging ourselves to do so. And the psalmist knows this.
That’s why, in Psalms 42 and 43 (they are connected) —
My fear and worry subsided. Peace and joy in Christ grew. My unbelief was overcome.
That’s why it is so important to guard your heart.
- See more at: http://livingbyfaithblog.com/2015/08/15/how-to-guard-your-heart/#sthash.eB3mcbWT.dpuf
We talked about how important it is to guard our hearts, based on Proverbs 4:23 –
Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life. (NIV)
Here is how the ESV translates it —
Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life.
Here is what we saw from this verse —
See the Importance of Your Heart
The heart is crucial because it is the wellspring of life, which means that everything you are and do flows from the heart.
So if your heart is worried about money, or jealous towards someone, you should not ignore it.
You should not grit your teeth, pretend that everything is fine, and get on with your day – because your worry or jealousy will flow out of your heart in sinful words, attitudes, and actions.
That’s why we must keep watch over our hearts with all vigilance.
Be Aware of Your Heart Condition
To keep watch over your heart you must be aware of what is happening in your heart. You must notice what you are feeling.
Specifically, you must notice when you are not feeling peace or joy in the Lord, because either of those show a problem with your faith.
They show that there is some promise in God’s word that you are not trusting.
For example, yesterday morning I got an email which caused my heart to fill with fear and worry.
At times like that it’s tempting to say “Don’t be concerned. Everyone worries from time to time. After all, fear is a natural emotion.”
But God’s word says that fear or worry shows that sinful unbelief is growing in my heart (Matthew 8:26; Mark 4:40). And sinful unbelief is serious.
Imagine that you go to the doctor because of pain in your heart. The doctor takes x-rays, notices a shadow next to your heart, but misinterprets that shadow.
Instead of understanding that this shadow is a dangerous tumor, and removing it surgically, he concludes that this shadow is just a normal part of the heart, and sends you home.
That could cost you your life.
So we must learn to notice what we are feeling in our hearts, and we must understand those feelings biblically.
But that’s not all. It is also crucial to –
Take Steps to Change Your Heart
That’s what the psalmist does in Psalm 42:5 –
Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me? Hope in God; for I shall again praise him.
The psalmist is keeping watch over his heart with all vigilance, so
he notices that his heart is feeling cast down and in turmoil.But not only does he notice what he is feeling, he understands these feelings biblically.
The reason I say that is because he calls himself to “hope in God.” In other words, he understands that his discouragement and turmoil show that he is not hoping fully in all of God’s promises.
So he notices what he is feeling, he understands these feelings biblically, and he urges himself to put his hope in God’s promises.
But How?
We can’t move from discouragement to hope just by urging ourselves to do so. And the psalmist knows this.
That’s why, in Psalms 42 and 43 (they are connected) —
- he pours out his soul before God, admitting how he is really feeling (Psalm 42:4)
- he prays for God’s light and truth to change his heart (Psalm 43:3-4)
- he reminds himself of God’s past faithfulness (Psalm 42:4, 6-7)
- he assures himself that in spite of his unbelief, God will be merciful (Psalm 42:8, which God can do because Jesus was punished for our sins)
- he meditates on God’s promises (Psalm 42:5, 8, 11; Psalm 43:4,5)
- I poured out my soul before God, admitting how fearful and worried I was
- I asked God for more of his heart-changing power
- I reminded myself of ways God has been faithful in the past
- I assured myself that because of Jesus’ death, God fully forgives and welcomes me (1 John 1:7)
- I meditated on promises that touched on my fear and worry (like Romans 8:28; Psalm 50:15; Jeremiah 29:11)
My fear and worry subsided. Peace and joy in Christ grew. My unbelief was overcome.
That’s why it is so important to guard your heart.
- See more at: http://livingbyfaithblog.com/2015/08/15/how-to-guard-your-heart/#sthash.eB3mcbWT.dpuf
Sunday, 30 August 2015
14 Days of Restoration ( Day1-9)
Shekinah Christian Ministry holds a prayer conference Tagged: 14 Days of restoration with the theme: Pursue, overtake and recover. The meeting has had God's generals ministering powerfully to bless lives, redirect,refire and refocus lives to destiny takeover.
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